As one of the fastest growing steel suppliers in China, Runying has been engaged in steel industry for more than 10 years. Angle steel, channel steel, H beam, I beam, steel sheet pile and related galvanized steel materials are our main products which are mainly exported to Southeast Asia and Middle East market, such as South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Jordan, Dubai and Kuwait, etc. Up to now, we have established long stable term and win-win partnership with many large steel manufacturers in China. Each member in Runying is with several years experience in steel area and ready to provide professional & excellent services to customers from both home and abroad.
作为中国发展*快的钢铁供应商之一,润颖从事钢铁行业已超过10年。 角钢,槽钢,H型钢,I型钢,钢板桩及相关镀锌钢材是我们的主要产品,主要出口到东南亚和中东市场,如韩国,越南,泰国,缅甸,菲律宾,新加坡。到目前为止,我们已经与中国的许多大型钢铁制造商建立了长期稳定的合作关系和双赢的合作伙伴关系。 润颖的每位成员都拥有多年的钢铁领域经验,随时为国内外客户提供专业和优质的服务。欢迎来电咨询,期待与您的合作!